Kingfisher at Sunset

Getting back into creating art has been a tough one for me. I am starting off with sharing my first piece for the month of June (the year starts in June right?) even though I said I would do one art thingymabob a month this site just launched so I do not feel like playing catchup :)

I am not sure how I would categorise my style of making I suppose I let my brain cook up a feeling or play around with an idea and then I just go for it. Sometimes it works out sometimes not.

This was a fun and challenging return to painting. Lots of blues and textures that were hard to convey, wetness and feathers and impermeable bird colouring which is a lot of the same colour in different shades. A LOT. Spent about a week on it and am happy with the result. I am not really sure yet what else to write as I don’t usually share art publicly so bear with me and these growing pains as I figure out snappy, engaging quips to write.


From humble beginnings