Other people make better things than me always

YOOHOO it’s time to usher back in my favourite little weekly dogpile of doodoo goodness that I find from trawling much better people’s work’than I (gaaaah the terrible writing I can’t but I will( and compiling them for ye all to enjoy. I do this so you will think I am super de dooper clever cause I brought this list together even though I did very little work except idly waste time reading online. In light of my recent, very stressful move to a new state I am quite unsettled from my regular routine and so have been not so good at being myself lately but here for you I try, dear readers.


So this I suppose could be construed as somewhat….macabre. I am coming to a slow realization that I may not be a world changer, and in my endless, zombie like shuffling (that is unceasing in it’s lack of destination) towards this belief of my own superiority, I have become someone who is so utterly blindly devoted to this concept of being exceptional that I constantly hold myself back from just….being. It’s a difficult road I am on right now, the one of figuring out what the fuck to do with my life while balancing bills, moving, mom-ing, and just keeping on through all the muck and shite. I have found thinking I am somewhat deserving of more does not often help; not that I don’t deserve the life I want but keeping myself in a state of ‘what if’ does not move me into a place of a peaceful heart and causes me to resent my present. So I am trying to rewire my perspective. This was a sweet little post I found that felt immediate and swift in it’s celebration in being ok with the smallness of one’s life. I expect to illicit some eye rolling with this, it’s something I wish to explore further in my writing but I am utterly spent trying to succeed and this just felt like a release.

Over the last few weeks we had my baby brother visiting with us (YAY FAMILY TIME). Sadly, he just returned to the old country (BOOO) and I miss him. While he was here we frequented our local Barnes & Nobles super mega giant bookstore a number of times. ‘Tis a paradisal place for those of us who cannot afford to buy books let alone at MSRP but that’s ok because there is much pretty things to look at. I noticed they had a lovely display dedicated to The Moomins, which my deprived husband has never heard of, and it led me down a path of delightful reading about Tove Jansson who created the Moomins. Lo and behold, this morning I get my biweekly Marginalian newsletter with a small piece about Jansson, and some of her other amazing writings. Feels…serendipitous. As I am going wading in the wilds of weird in my life right now I really need some of Jansson’s wisdoms. Time for a refresh I think.


Is it me or does it feel like America will just not stop being so dramatic about everything all the time right? So let’s take a little gander at some items that are not centralized on the current election cycle and instead look at the ways in which we obsess over random crap at all times. Basically we are all the same and it’s about time we copped onto that fact. Here are two sweet videos I enjoyed a wee giggle over this past week.

Firstly these cutie social commentators, for shits and giggles. They get me..."in this economy" is my new favourite phrase.


I just learned how to embed a video into my website page (I think it’s like implanting in the same way an egg-sperm guy implants in the uterus :D). So I will be sharing many many many probably but they will not even likely be on trend anymore because I am in my thirties. As my sister rightly pointed out we are not the instant TikTok generation baddies we are the ‘see the video 28 days or weeks or months later on reels or YouTube or on the news of all places’ generation. I laughed super hard at this. Silly but good.


OK hi hello I found an AMAZING new website, known as Budget Bytes , that features excellent, delicious recipes and breaks them down by cost per recipe and ooooh weeeeh this little budgeting bitch right here is IN HEAVEN. Listen, in today’s economy everything is expensive and unbearably inaccessible and how can we even human with the cost of living right now amiright? So to have someone delivering lovely, yummy and affordable recipes into my inbox has brought me delight on another level I cannot even describe. I basically wish I had conceived of this idea myself and done this for my people but I have no clout and it takes so much pressure off for me as I panic grocery shop each week so I am grateful for it’s existence. Recently I made an UHH-mazing risotto for my husband and little (vegetarian) brother who is visiting with us and it was inhaled at a beyond rapid pace, like I literally think nobody surfaced for air. AM I PROUD?…yes yes I am. Note to y’all, I did make some (store bought) naan on the side because every dinner is always elevated by the presence of bread, and seriously it was so affordable and so delicious so please please make. Here you go my darlings (also here is my terrible, decidedly un-aesthetic photo of the deliciousness I cannot).

I did not take a photo of the end result because I ate it so fast.

This season has been…a challenge. As they all are in their own way. So glad to do life with you lovelies in even this small way. Till next week. xoxox gossip girl ;)


Yoohoo big summer blowout


Fervently reading, bantering and nom noms