A week of wobblies

It’s been a rough one gentleladies and manlymops. I am beginning to suspect that navigating the seas of parenting means that each week will inevitably have a bunch of shite mixed in with the sublime for the rest of my life. Jeeeepers I am tired just thinking about all the stuff that awaits me. I have barely scraped the tip of the iceberg with this little goblin queen I am now forever fun-employed by. Something I like to try keep in perspective when I really feel like I am drowning in overwhelm is that I have been to the bottom of the deep well of darkness before. I have managed to climb my way out and find the glimmers of lovely things growing and thriving even in that most hostile of environments. This current time may feel beyond hard but really it is the deep well in the potting mix from which the roots of a budding plant begin life. Honestly life swings back and forth on the spectrum of joy/sadness, ease/difficulty and I have to truly focus on reminding myself of these things daily when I feel so so lost and so so alone.

Anyway that was maybe a little bit too vulnerable of a moment for you all but there ya have it. My brain is so snoozy by the end of every night that when I sit down I simply want to melt into my couch and watch the trash tv of reality dreams and float away on an abyss of nothingness and goo for all of eternity. Most days I feel like I am internally screaming,

can no longer human

It certainly makes it challenging to muster up the level of rogueish wordsmithing I aspire to when writing these posts.

However, we press on.


Alrighty then, I have been trying to squeeze some light online reading in during the few breaths in a day where I am not ‘on’ for anyone else.

  • Sometimes we forget that people in positions of influence, power, and celebrity are also just people. They may have some cushioning at times but they go through a lot of the same shit we ‘normal’ people wade through. This article reminded me of that. Colin Farrell opens up about son with Angelman syndrome: ‘We still struggle’ At the end of the day we all have these intensely challenging, deeply moving experiences as we live our lives some public some private. It’s good every so often to have a reminder that hardship doesn’t only come for some of us but is felt by all. I feel for Colin Farrell. I can’t imagine the years of challenge and resilience he has experienced, just like he can’t imagine mine.

  • Ok ok, I will share one…ONE post about the debacle of what is going on in the race for America between the current Vice President Kamala Harris and Former President Donald Trump and how that trickles down through the parties. I am not going to share any opinions, although I am assuming my lack of opinion has already swayed your conception of my political leanings within your minds dear reader. It is all a circus and an exhausting never-ending one at that. Every time election season comes around it makes me regret all of my decisions ever that landed me in this country. I think the most striking line in this short piece is “Now, if you work with somebody across the aisle, you risk your career in Congress.” Sharan McMahon is an interesting human, fondly known as America’s Government Teacher, she has a lot of brilliant methods of simply explaining complex socio-political jargon and goings on for us normal folk.

    When Did Compromise Become a Four Letter Word

    Also here is a little piece on Time Magazine if you would like some context on McMahon and why people appreciate her…middle of the road approach to an extremely polarised, partisan world.

    Sharon McMahon Did Not Plan to Be America’s Government Teacher

I am not really sure where this political mess and violence and hate is all going, probably not anywhere good but, oh I hope we can turn it around.


I love love love ethereal music that incorporates classical meets modern meets orchestral, faerie-like tuneskie doodles that speak to the essence of existence. This is evidenced by my undying devotion to the great of all greats Max Richter who sits on the wall of heavenly alternative reality and the highs and lows of the human soul-led experience. I used to paint great art to his music.

So, IMAGINE my utter delight when finding out that Jonsi just dropped a new album on August 31st, three years since his last in 2021. His new album, First Light, was originally conceptualised as a video game soundtrack but soon expanded into something more. He spoke of the album, “Writing this music at a time of manmade global turmoil and unrest for a video game,” Jónsi said, “I imagined ‘First Light’ as a momentary fantastical, over-the-top, utopian world where everyone and everything lives together in everlasting peace and harmony. Choosing beauty over disorder, hope over fear, our universal divine angel guardians watching over us and connecting us all as one through love, melody, and music.” When I listen to the titular single of the album, First Light, it glides upon my skin with a meadowy peace. It gives me a little bit of a reprieve from this big, cold, exhausting world of ours. If that kind of deep, emotive, and releasing music is your thing well have a little listen. It is a balm. It reminds me simultaneously of Blue Planet and Ad Astra mixed. I feel….endless. I may not have much going for me most of the time, but I have this certainty. If you ever wanted to know what is at the core of me, this


Make haste fools and get ye into the kitchen to make this INCREDIBLE dish. I accidentally found this random recipe on Pinterest when I realised I did not have enough ingredients to make the dinner I had originally wanted to make but by some stroke of fortune I had a package of shelf-stable gnocchi in the cupboard that I had randomly bought on the spur of the moment because it was on sale. I NEVER buy gnocchi because it’s usually on the more expensive end and doesn’t stretch to more than one ish meal for the most part. Also I split this onto two small trays and did one iteration with Italian sausage for my husband and one with vegetarian sausage for me. You can also omit sausage altogether if you please.

Sheet Pan Gnocchi with Sausage

I am aware this looks like a bloody mess but bless us all it was divine. My husband oh so sweetly asked "Um do you think you might make this again one day soon?" 

  My dog Hagrid every damn day in our apartment. He is lucky I love his fluffers chonks McButt.   In the same way I love you dedicated readership. Kay byeeee.


Winter is coming


Got that Autumnal Feelin’