Please check in online then approach the counter to drop your bag.

Honestly this title is not really relevant to the content but I thought it was funny. Listen I have a joke, shes a little dirty so NSFW warning I suppose, but I pee a little every time I think of it so I am sharing. Note to my Mam if you are reading skip this next part!!!


Me: “Why are hurricanes named after women?”

You: “oh…why Ned??”

Me: “Because when they come they are wet and wild! And when they leave they take your house AND your car”

*Pause for laughter*

I’m not very good at jokes I will admit but this one kills in person I promise. Anywho, I’m checking in here to give you all a little update. I know you are sitting on the edge of your seats waiting desperately for my next post. winky winky

The start of this month has been a little busy for this ma’am right here. I have been trying to sign up to go to college, virtually Mr. Covid-19 thank you very much, so my plate has been a little full. Figuring out a schedule to fit in all my responsibilites-multiple jobs, doggie duties, intentional movement for mental health reasons, facetiming international fam-a-lam, and being active in producing creatively-without becoming burned out or transforming back into the overwork dragon has been a doozy.

I'm getting there though, I think by the end of this month I should have a good schedule locked in and that’s exciting! Last week I did an online workshop called the To-Do List Makeover by Mara Glatzel. Oh my heart I am enamoured by this transformative and energetic life coach, writer, wise druidess. The workshop has really helped pivot my direction with balancing energy input/output and organising my day to get done what I need done while responding to the needs of my own heart in regards to rest and restoration.

So where does that leave this site? I will be experimenting with a random posting schedule till I figure out a more consistent backbone but this week you can look out for a few silly profiles on some special little cretins popping up (obviously I couldn’t create something about celebrating audacious living without centering some of my audacious lovebugs). A couple of guest posts should be creeping in alongside a book review of a short story that I gobbled up in two days and left me reeling with it’s profound historical relevance, cultural significance and cold, wild imagery.

Cheers my dears to following along. Any suggestions for content or a good schedule idea are much appreciated and you can reach me down below where the little ‘Contact’ fella dwells.
Stay safe lovelies.


Blogging is a lot like a long-term relationship...effort dissipates? Until the annual reminder that shite it's still there cause now I see I am spending some money on you. *


Hi how are ya hello hows it