Blogging is a lot like a long-term relationship...effort dissipates? Until the annual reminder that shite it's still there cause now I see I am spending some money on you. *

God it’s been a minute hasn’t it? I was recently jolted into recognition of my laissez-faire approach to this site when I stumbled across a newly published fiction book that was originally my idea. Ah I am so annoyed with myself. Missed the boat on that one so I did. I have proof…the draft is sitting here in the invisible ether on this site unpublished, unfinished, unedited yadda yadda yadda (thank you Seinfeld for putting that in my head). I read the book and really enjoyed it and I am gonna attach a link here so if you are interested in reading what I could have been the vessel for please go right ahead. It is called The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E Schwab. If you like magical realism then this book is for you.

So anyway why return to this site Ned? I hear nobody ask me ever…well I will tell you invisible audience of zero, because I have been paying for it. Ooops don’t tell my hairy fella as he will probably just laugh at me and add it to the list of many ridiculous things I have done over the years that he loves to tease me over. So there is that. Money been going out, page been remaining static. I realise how website hosts make all their moneys now, it is off silly humans like me. Well no more internet gods. I think I am back here because my Instagram decided to transition fully over to being tiktok without my consent and I am sorry youth of today I do not want loud blaring videos screaming in my face at all times trying to sell me something or make me numb out. I don’t want to watch people pointing up and down bobbing to floating words that tell me things about what I should and shouldn’t believe about the world and them. I don’t even want to watch some sweet woman’s face tell me empowering, life coach-y things to soft music while cutting to clips of her pouring coffee and then at the end of it all it’s a sponsored ad for a fricken’ bidet of all things and honestly it’s just too much. God I am grouchy this morning. Sorry darlings I have personally been sleeping on an air mattress for a month and my ass is killing me and not in a good way, maybe I should be a pretty influencer promoting mattresses with a sponsorship code smirk, I digress. I liked old Instagram, I like photos that didn’t have to be some artistic declaration or lecture and I am so so tired of the social media power over my life, my peace and my time. Is it ironic I am going to another form of media to make my own declarative stateent of opinion? Yes it’s ironic and I don’t give a fook. So I am deleting it, shortly. I just gotta take all my pics back. Please please feel free to applaud my holier than thou pronouncement I just love to virtue signal how alternative to the mainstream I am.

With all that being said, I want to invest back into this site with some of the free time I recently had open up. Our family recently made a big move across country and so many things have shifted in the last two years personally and globally. I think what I had started here was good, it was fun and was a way to feel connected to my family and friends who are so so far away. So as Mr. Bogart himself ad-libbed to the (much younger) and arrestingly captivating Ingrid Bergman-in a very much unsentimental manner- in the brilliant 1942 production Casablanca, “Here’s looking at you kid.”

*Title is sarcasm friends my relationship is fine. Darling we do like a comedic witticism over here.


Have we gone too far with media censorship? Or not far enough?


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