May Book Club Pick

It is finally here after all these years (oh lawd have mercy) of promising a virtual book club I am starting one now.

Boom. Right this moment. Here we go.

Right so, I have no clue how to conduct this. It would certainly be easier within an in-person context or maybe a podcast (“FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NO NED”-I hear you all yell). Perhaps one day we may even be able to host a zoom book club meeting. How darling…how…reminiscent of a time recently past. Wait, have we suddenly been teleported back to March 2020? The beginning of the pandemic virtual socialising life? I hear echoes of that dark time that strange world clanging in my ears….tiger king boooohhh whipped coffee ahhhh baking loaf after loaf of banana bread eeee zoom family quiz time nooooo insert ghost noises here

SO I may be a couple of years late to a trend that isn’t really a thing anymore but I figured I would like to start a book club. I have limitations on my time and I have nobody in my direct circle, as of yet, that is willing to actually show up in person to something like this. So why not take it to the virtual world and see if anyone is interested. If there is something in this life you need or want and it doesn’t exist then you make that thing. No sense in me complaining about the lack of amenities to satisfy my hobbies if I am not going to get up and try to design and engineer it for myself.

Anyway enough of this chin wagging self-help nonsense. Here is my choice for this month’s book club.

Momfluenced by Sara Petersen

Peep those stunning breast milk collectors hanging out with the mommy book. Is that serendipitous or am I a clever influencer? We will never know……

I understand this may be a very niche book choice for a book club pick. I am currently the only person in the club so I get to choose the book. Thems the rules. Listen I am so happy to have other people pick the next reads we do and will gladly take suggestions either in the comment box, email or direct message on Instagram. Perhaps if I can figure out the technology we can do a poll.

I chose this book because I follow the author on her Substack-In Pursuit of Clean Countertops. Having recently washed myself clean of the toxic net of mommy influencer culture that really challenged my own experiences of new motherhood, I am fascinated by the topic.

I am interested to see if this book is what I hope it is- an acerbic and witty analysis of the problematic nature of peddling our children for profit through proliferating restricted ideologies of ‘successful parenting’ based on a puritanical and western model. Then again perhaps it won’t do that and it may just add fodder to the cannon. Whatever you do, do not do what I did and go read reviews on the book on Goodreads. I had to stop myself because it began to colour my interpretation before even beginning. Let’s just dive in and see what happens, I bought the book but feel free to rent at a local library or go the e-book route or audio book if that’s your fancy.

See you in two weeks!


Book Club Fail?


2023 Top Ten Reads-Coming at You the end of February 2024