Book Club Fail?

Right so… May book club did not go anywhere. How do we know this? Well, it is now checks calendar app just about October 1st and I never posted again after sharing about my book choice. Why is that? Good think you asked non-existent curious reader of mine. The book was quite frankly disappointing trash poo poo and I wish I had never chosen it. Gosh you know I feel bad saying that. It wasn’t ALL bad just generally not good for the most part. There were some quotes I highlighted…before I added it to my ‘Did Not Finish’ shelf on Goodreads and donated it to my local Little Free Library box.

Sorry for that messy crap recommend. I should have read reviews beforehand. I figured I enjoyed the author’s essays so naturally wouldn’t I enjoy her book? No that is not the case. I don’t want to get into the particular of why it was not good-just imagine big mean girl energy but also jealous secretly wants to be the popular girls so ends up bitching about them energy also.

My family started their own book club. Goddamit, they are better at this than I am. There are rules and crap. And everyone is VERY communicative….which is great don’t get me wrong I love it I am here for it. But why don’t I have my shit together and why am I one of the few members of the club who didn’t actually read the assigned book but is pretending I did?

Alas and alack beloveds, when one loves to read as I do but also has had their brain flipped into a half-cooked, smushy pancake of forgetfulness due to having a child, reading often takes the backseat. Yet, I have managed to read many books this year. Sadly most of them were mediocre and ooof I hate that. I am bringing back my little book nook page for the last few months of the year in the hopes it will give me a push to get myself away from numbing out to Netflix at the end of the day (although I will always argue that there is validity to finding rest in these kinds of activities) and into some of my long list of TO BE READ books.

I have decided to pick What You Are Looking For Is In The Library by Michiko Aoyama, a short enough and calming book to read for October. This book should be accessible in your local library or as an E-Book or audio book online A little cosy, fall book to comfort us as we burrow down into the oncoming wintering of our selves and our world. If you care to join me that would be delightful. I’ll pop back in with a little suggestion of our next read towards the middle to end of October and share some thoughts on the book. This book is for people who have read and liked Before the Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi, The Travelling Cat Chronicles by Hiro Arikawa or The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.

I want to stress that it is ok to not finish books and when you are living a time crunched life there is nothing wrong with tossing stuff aside and looking elsewhere for satisfaction. I spent years forcing myself to finish drivel out of a sense of nobility and due process…now I am a parent who is ruled by the iron chubby fist of a tiny almost toddler and I have to be choosy about how I spend my precious free time. If this book or any thing I recommend is not for you that’s ok. Go, seek meaning elsewhere fellow traveller of the cosmos of life. I’m sure we will meet on the path to personal enlightenment and peace somewhere down the line in one context or another. .


May Book Club Pick